poker face

Yeah I know. Not your typical Christmastime post. And nope. No Miss GaGa insightful quotes. But there is a link. Trust me, you just have to go with it.

December has been a tough one. And I know it’s been even harder for others in this ‘story’. There are moments of clarity and merriment, but they’re quickly overshadowed by tear stained memories.

I know the situation is not unique. Many of you have lost loved ones and have the same gut wrench when that certain Christmas song comes on or that personalized ornament is stumbled upon. All those stats about depression and suicide around the Christmas season – I get it now. Seems like ‘Merry Christmas’ is a slap in the face, doesn’t it?

But man, am I happy – genuinely – for those of you who don’t feel that pang this time of year. My sincere hope is that you get to realize the fullness of what Christmas was always meant to be.

Now – to the title. What does poker/Lady Gaga/5-card stud have to do with Christmas? Travel with me on a little free association tour...

Even despite the void that accompanies this holiday season, there’s still one thing I love about this time of year. It’s the way people treat each other. The smile, the door openings – and yes, even the letting in of others driving onto the on-ramp. Humans the world over disprove – at least for about a week – the theory that we are, at our base, selfish criminals. (Unless of course you’re looking for an Xbox 360 – then it’s each person for him or her self...)

I saw this transcendence just the other day when a curmudgeon behind the wheel of a minivan wouldn’t let another car onto the freeway. Scrooge’s recipient finally got in the lane and then was immediately given the same situation with the role reversed. Instead of following in the steps of his predecessor, he kindly let the oncoming car in.

Amazing how something like that sticks with you.

It got me thinking about life and everything in it. After a minute of two lost in deep thought (I do that way too much behind the wheel), it hit me: It’s all about your poker face.

It’s your response to things that define you. Not that you fake it, but it really doesn’t matter the hand you’re dealt. It’s how you play it. You can hold a royal flush and I can hold a high card of 7, but I can still own the round.

After everything is laid on the table, it’s not WHAT that matters in the end. It’s the HOW. Seriously, pretty basic stuff. But how do we stop from sinking back into ourselves? What causes that? Fatigue? Frustration? Hurt? How do we live Christmas year round? It’s straight out of the song, but I wish we could figure out how to live Christmas every day – our minds on Heaven with actions that follow. But maybe we’re just slaves to ourselves until we shed our skin suits. I think the chains can be broken, but it will take a whole lot of people changing a whole lot of habits. And then doing it all over again the next day.

I don’t want to keep looking back. You can’t anticipate what’s coming when you’re fixated on the rearview mirror. But the one thing that will always travel with me is the onus I feel to give and live beyond myself because of what’s happened.

So if you ever are in Denver and you’re trying to get on I25 and you look over and see me blocking your way, well – remind me that it’s Christmas, no matter what day it is.

Have a blessed Christmas everyone, and hurry up already 2011. I’m ready for a new beginning.