unleash the fury

So let the fury begin:

I’ve been frantically trying to outrun pain but it still hangs in there just nipping at my heels like an annoying stray mut so instead then I’m going to stop, face it embrace it and give it the credence it deserves because I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts there can eventually be no more hurt and only more love but why love if losing hurts so much but then again why am I still looking for answers when I have no answers myself anymore but only the life I’ve lived and so that must mean that the pain is now a part of the happiness and if that’s true then I am right to embrace the pain and burn it as fuel for the rest of my journey and then through that journey my fuel being pain will be spent up until only beauty remains but so then why do so many of us spend our whole lives running from pain with the mistaken belief that we cannot bear the pain even though we know we have already borne the pain and so as I write these words I realize that what I have not done until now is feel all I am beyond the pain and since I know that I will continue to be witness to good on this earth being stripped and evil squeezing into its clothes I have to believe the world will also be full of the overcoming of pain so then when it comes down to me standing before You at life’s end You will see my scars and I Your’s and You will know that I had my wounds and also my healing but it doesn’t change today and the pain that reaches my heart with electrical speed and beating truth to the punch but at least truth makes it to the finish line and I know this because I’ve seen how pain can bring out the best in me along with the worst because pain strips away all illusions and false expectations and pain begs for change and forces my gaze to Heaven and even though pain burned up the cushions I used to keep from hitting bottom pain also popped my clutch and shot me into the next gear but most importantly pain also made me a believer in myself, my healing, and my healer.

Inspired by: Mother Teresa Anthony Hopkins Lance Armstrong Kenji Miyazawa Pierre-Auguste Renoi Saint Bartholomew Helen Keller Rabindranath Tagore Barbara Kingsolver Barbara Brown Taylor