practically speaking

First let me put the disclaimer out there that I’m no expert on what I’m going to write about here. BUT, I thought I should try.

Live selflessly. What does that mean? I know we keep saying it when we’re talking about how Ryan lived – how we aspire to live. But how is it done? How do you move past just lip service?

Make no bones about it; I believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the mediator between God and man. My faith compels me to lay my life down, to surrender it to my Creator. That’s living selflessly.

BUT – you may not be there. You may not hold to that same belief. While that really, really, bums me out – I respect that. Doesn’t mean I’m not praying for a change though...

Whether or not you believe like I do, you can still do ‘selfless’. Being a “Christian” doesn’t automatically make me selfless. Some of the most selfish people I’ve ever met considered themselves Christian. Some of the most giving people I’ve had the privilege to meet haven’t laid their lives at the feet of Jesus.

Selfless isn’t just an idea or a notion. It’s very real. And practically speaking, there are things you can do today to start living selflessly.

Here’s an easy one: Go to the DMV. Check that box on your driver’s license and become an organ donor.

That one act could save up to 55 lives. Nine out of ten Americans say they’re in favor of organ donation. Only 3 in 10 do it. We all want to think we’d be selfless when called upon, but the majority of us simply aren’t.

Here’s another one. Sponsor a child out of poverty. Check out World Vision and see how you can help someone less fortunate. I’m not going to be shy about prodding someone to change the life of a child with the price of a couple pizzas each month. It just makes sense.

My brother Rod works for Charity Water. They bring life sustaining water to underdeveloped communities around the world. Help sponsor a well. See how it transforms an entire region.

If money is tight, or you feel like I’m being unabashedly commercial, then keep your wallet in your pocket. It’s yours. You earned it. Do one of these things instead:

* Leave work early some night this week and play a board game with your kids.

* Send your spouse out for a night with his or her friends.

* Call someone you know who is going through a hard time and ask if there’s anything you can do – and then do it. Be there.

Life’s a bone grinding mill. It’s tough, and at the end of the day we go home, lick our wounds, and get back at it the next day. It’s hard to reach outside of ourselves and see others in need. And then to actually do something about it? Almost impossible.

But that’s where I always go back to Ryan’s life. He worked hard. And when his last patient would leave for the day, he would beeline it home to be with his family. Not just fall into the lazyboy and watch the 6’oclock news. He was THERE. On the lake with them. Investing in his boys. If he knew his neighbor needed help with something, no question he was there. If he knew a friend was going through it, he made it a priority to lend a hand. When he knew I was in the fight of my life, he gave of himself freely.

Start with one selfless act. Stretch it to two. Before long, you’ll find it’s a way of life for you – a rewarding, rich life.

I’m not there yet. I can do more. I think we can always do more. But it just starts with one simple act. What’s yours going to be?